V I V A T I L E / G E O M E T R I C S
Viva Tile is a tile design laboratory with 24 color elements available to create just the right creative chemistry for your project. Consider the countless possible formulations of pigment and form. Learn. Experiment. Have fun!

Fast Track Color + Fast Track Shape = Quickship
Four neutral colors in selected shape options are stocked and available to create Quickship designs to fast track your project.
These Fast Track colors are: White, Light Gray, Dark Gray and Black. Extensive aesthetic and creative directions are possible with our Quickship program. Design consultants are available to assist you. Let’s get started!

Mother Earth Palette
Colors that harmonize with the natural elements in the land that give life to the planet.
Cream, Linen, Salmon, Red, Chocolate

Desert Sand Palette
Colors that elicit the hot desert sun on shifting dunes and the warm tones that result.
Lemon, Light Yellow, Peach, Gold, Caramel

Flowing Water Palette
Colors that represent how a clear stream reflects the complexion of its surroundings.
Turquoise, Light Green, Celadon, Green, Olive

Evening Sky Palette
Colors that evoke the rich extent of hues that signal the day passing into night.
Denim, Light Blue, Slate, Orchid, Rose
Geometric? Nouveau? Victorian? Discover available patterns—
Including those eligible for Quickship!